
Always Was. Always Will Be.

We honour the Whadjuk Noongar people as the traditional custodians of the land, waters and skies on which we live, work and play and offer our respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

The Loving Place project takes on the community challenge of knowing and embracing Walyalup-Fremantle as a loving community place. A special place that for many is now at the cross roads of uncertainty and despair as it chooses to expand and develop its waterfronts and surrounding landscapes.

The project asks residents and visitors to gift photographs and short stories of their favourite places in Fremantle. These places can be strange and wonderful, ordinary and extra ordinary. But special places that you would like to hold onto, maybe resuscitate and not lost in the future development of Walyalup-Fremantle.

The project aims to encourage ongoing community discourse around meaningful public and private spaces and provide a growing resource for those interested in Walyalup-Fremantle and the forces that shape it.

The Loving Place project wishes to thank and acknowledge the kind support from the City of Fremantle, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle Biennale, Fremantle Culture Club, PS Arts Studios, Shipping News, Fremantle Herald, Kalu, and The University of Western Australia. And special thanks to those Walyalup-Fremantle residents and visitors who have gifted their own photographs and short stories for this timely community arts project.

Grant Revell is the founder of And Studios — a not-for-profit community-based think-tank devoted to the artful collaboration, critique, design and preservation of special places around the world —  inclusive places that converge with the artful possibilities of community, environment, landscape and Country.

Text set in American Gothic by KLIM Type Foundry.

Stories and images shown on this website are copyright of its creators and have been shared here with permission.

Please email [email protected] with any questions or suggestions about this project.